Prior to medical school, I never believed in burnout. I am truly not sure why. Believe me, it exists! I noticed it happening to me after my third exam of the semester. During my first term, I had seven exams. I felt lethargic and did not care about how well I was doing. I did not even care if I were to do poorly on upcoming exams. We all go through it at some point in our medical journey. It is important to learn how to recognize that you are steering off track and fix it! Try to seek out an advisor or mental health professional if necessary. Some schools provide these services to help you combat burnout, but you might even want to consider external help if your school does not.
During my burnout period, I was caffeine crazed! I have never been a huge coffee drinker so my morning go to keeping me energized for most the day is an oat milk matcha latte. I combine half a teaspoon of matcha powder into one tablespoon of hot water with a handheld milk frother and mix this into one cup of oat milk with ice. It is delicious! There is nothing wrong with coffee in moderation if tea is not something you enjoy.
Additionally, take breaks. Medical school places you in high stress situations to facilitate the development of coping mechanisms. It is intentional, but it should not ruin your life! I found that if I took some time away from studying I could perform better going back into it. Also, study in a group if you are not. It is likely that your classmates are going through the same feelings. Studying together allows the group to hold each other accountable and stay motivated. Remember, you can do it!